Friday, June 3, 2011

Thank you

Like students, professors enjoy some classes better than others. And so it is with me: I very much enjoyed our class this quarter. Thank you so much for making it fun and enjoyable, engaging and interesting. I feel like I learned quite a bit from your blogs and wikis. It was very fun teaching this class in large part because of your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn about cancer. Those of us who have devoted our lives to cancer research realize just what an incredibly pernicious and "clever" disease cancer is. I hope you came away with that appreciation as well.

One more favor if you have the time. I didn't ask for a narrative evaluation, but if you wouldn't mind commenting to this post with any constructive criticism or especially favorable insight, I would greatly appreciate it (please login as guest to preserve anonymity if you want).

Finally, let me wish you luck with your upcoming final exams. Best wishes also for a fun and relaxing summer. See you next fall.

Dr. Islas

P.S. Please feel free to blog about anything interesting you happen to read, see or hear this summer—especially if it's cancer-related. Your accounts will stay open indefinitely.